Relationship Anxiety Test

Wednesday, July 10, 2024. This is for Viv.

Welcome to my little "Relationship Anxiety Test," where we uncover the hidden jitters lurking in your love life!

I've crafted this quiz to help you gauge your relationship anxiety.

Whether you're calm as a cucumber or jittery as a squirrel on espresso, this quiz will reveal where you stand. Ready?


For each question, choose the option that best describes your feelings or behavior in your current or past relationships. Be honest—your future love life might depend on it!

1. How often do you check your partner's social media activity?

a) Never - I'm too busy living my own fabulous life!
b) Occasionally - Just a quick peek here and there.
c) Frequently - Gotta make sure they're not up to anything fishy.
d) Constantly - I know their social media schedule better than mine!

2. How do you feel when your partner doesn't text you back immediately?

a) No worries - They're probably busy.
b) Slightly concerned - Did I say something wrong?
c) Anxious - Why are they ignoring me?
d) Full-blown panic - Are they ghosting me? Should I start packing my bags?

3. When your partner talks about an attractive coworker, you:

a) Shrug it off - Good for them!
b) Feel a twinge of jealousy - Who is this coworker, anyway?
c) Start investigating - Time to find out more about this "coworker."
d) Go into full detective mode - Sherlock Holmes has nothing on me!

4. How do you react when your partner wants to spend a night out with friends?

a) Encourage them - Have fun, honey!
b) Feel a bit uneasy - Hope they remember to check in.
c) Experience anxiety - What if they meet someone else?
d) Panic - They're definitely going to leave me for someone they meet tonight.

5. How often do you feel the need to be reassured of your partner's love?

a) Rarely - I'm confident in our relationship.
b) Sometimes - A little reassurance now and then is nice.
c) Frequently - I need constant reminders.
d) All the time - I need daily affirmations, preferably hourly.

6. When your partner talks to someone of the opposite sex, you:

a) Don't mind - It's just a conversation.
b) Feel a bit jealous - What's the nature of this conversation?
c) Get suspicious - Why are they talking to them?
d) Become paranoid - This is how it all starts!

7. How often do you worry about your partner's past relationships?

a) Never - The past is the past.
b) Occasionally - Curious about their exes.
c) Frequently - I need to know everything.
d) Constantly - Their past haunts me more than a ghost.

8. How do you feel when your partner doesn't share every detail of their day?

a) Fine - We all need our space.
b) Slightly annoyed - Why are they holding back?
c) Anxious - What are they hiding?
d) Distraught - They must be planning to leave me.

9. When your partner is busy and can't spend time with you, you:

a) Understand - We all have responsibilities.
b) Feel a bit neglected - Wish we had more time together.
c) Get anxious - Are they avoiding me?
d) Feel abandoned - They're definitely losing interest.

10. How often do you need your partner's approval for your decisions?

a) Rarely - I'm independent.
b) Sometimes - It's nice to get their opinion.
c) Frequently - I need their input on most things.
d) Always - I can't decide anything without them.

11. How do you react to your partner's compliments?

a) Graciously - Thank you!
b) Doubtfully - Are they just being nice?
c) Suspiciously - What do they want from me?
d) Dismissively - They probably don't mean it.

12. How often do you feel the need to "test" your partner's loyalty?

a) Never - I trust them completely.
b) Occasionally - Just a little test now and then.
c) Frequently - Gotta make sure they're still loyal.
d) Constantly - Testing is my second job.

13. When your partner doesn't want to talk about their day, you:

a) Respect their privacy - Everyone needs some alone time.
b) Feel a bit left out - Wish they would share more.
c) Get anxious - Are they hiding something?
d) Feel devastated - This is the beginning of the end.

14. How do you feel about your partner's close friendships with others?

a) Happy - They have a good support system.
b) Jealous - Why can't they be closer to me?
c) Suspicious - What's really going on in those friendships?
d) Threatened - Those friends are trying to take my place.

15. When your partner forgets something important, you:

a) Let it slide - We all forget sometimes.
b) Feel a bit hurt - Wish they remembered.
c) Get upset - How could they forget?
d) Feel betrayed - This is a sign they're not committed.

16. How often do you seek validation from your partner?

a) Rarely - I'm confident in myself.
b) Sometimes - It's nice to feel appreciated.
c) Frequently - I need their approval.
d) Constantly - I can't function without it.

17. When your partner's phone rings and they don't answer, you:

a) Don't mind - They'll call back later.
b) Feel curious - Who's calling?
c) Get anxious - Why aren't they answering?
d) Feel panicked - They're definitely talking to someone else.

18. How do you handle disagreements with your partner?

a) Calmly - We work through it together.
b) With some anxiety - Conflict makes me uneasy.
c) With a lot of anxiety - What if this ruins everything?
d) With sheer panic - This is the end!

19. When your partner makes plans without you, you:

a) Encourage them - Enjoy!
b) Feel a bit left out - Wish I was included.
c) Get anxious - Why wasn't I invited?
d) Feel abandoned - They're replacing me.

20. How often do you think about your partner leaving you?

a) Rarely - I'm confident in our relationship.
b) Occasionally - The thought crosses my mind.
c) Frequently - I worry about it a lot.
d) Constantly - It's my biggest fear.


  • Mostly A's: Cool as a Cucumber - You trust your partner and feel secure in your relationship. Keep up the good work!

  • Mostly B's: Slightly Squeamish - You have some anxiety, but it's manageable. A little reassurance goes a long way.

  • Mostly C's: Frequently Frazzled - You're often anxious about your relationship. Consider talking to a therapist for some support.

  • Mostly D's: Paranoid Partner - Your anxiety is through the roof! It's time to seek professional help and work on your trust issues.

Remember, this quiz is just a fun way to explore your feelings. If you're struggling with relationship anxiety, I can help with that. Your love life deserves to be happy and free of needless suffering!

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


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