How different types of alcohol affect emotions: a spirited study

Sunday, May 26, 2024.

Ever wondered why a glass of wine makes you feel like a relaxed philosopher, while a shot of tequila transforms you into a party animal?

A recent survey sheds light on how different types of alcohol can stir up distinct emotions, revealing the quirky relationship between our drink choices and our feelings.

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Alcohol

According to the survey, liquor is like that friend who insists on karaoke at 2 AM—energetic, confident, and a bit aggressive. On the other hand, wine and beer are more like a cozy blanket, helping you unwind and feel at ease.

Confidence Booster or Fight Starter?

Liquor, or spirits, is often associated with feeling energetic, confident, and yes, even sexy. But beware! It also has a reputation for sparking aggression. Professor Mark Bellis, who led the study, noted:

"For centuries, the history of rum, gin, vodka, and other spirits has been laced with violence.

This global study suggests even today consuming spirits is more likely to result in feelings of aggression than other drinks.

In the UK, a litre of off-licence spirits can easily be bought for £15 or less, making a double shot only 75 pence.

Such prices can encourage consumption at levels harmful to the health of the drinker and through violence and injuries also represent a risk to the people around them."

So, next time you reach for that shot of vodka, remember you might be inviting a bit of a wild card to the party.

Wine and Beer: The Zen Masters

On the other hand, both wine and beer are the chill companions at any gathering.

They’re linked to feelings of relaxation, making them the go-to drinks for a mellow evening. Picture yourself with a glass of wine, feeling like an ancient philosopher pondering the mysteries of the universe, or with a beer, enjoying a laid-back barbecue with friends.

How the study was conducted

The findings come from a comprehensive survey involving nearly 30,000 participants from 21 different countries. While the study doesn’t conclusively prove that different types of alcohol cause specific emotions, it does reveal our deep-seated beliefs about the effects of our favorite drinks. Kath Ashton, the study’s first author, pointed out:

"People routinely use alcohol in order to alter their moods, but this study suggests different drink choices may result in different emotional outcomes. Understanding the relationships between different drinks and their emotional consequences may provide important insights into the prevention of alcohol-related harms."

The Power of Belief: It’s All in Your Head

Our beliefs play a significant role in shaping our experiences. This survey highlights how our perceptions of various alcoholic beverages can influence our emotional responses. While the study offers valuable insights, it also suggests that our expectations might be doing a lot of the heavy lifting.

Final thoughts

Published in the journal BMJ Open (Ashton et al., 2017), this study provides a fascinating glimpse into how different types of alcohol affect our emotions.

Our drink choices can influence our feelings.

So, upon reflection, we have the option to make smarter decisions and perhaps avoid some of the pitfalls of excessive alcohol consumption.

So, next time you choose between wine, beer, or spirits, consider the emotional journey you’re about to embark on. Cheers to that!

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Ashton K, Bellis MA, Davies AR, et al Do emotions related to alcohol consumption differ by alcohol type? An international cross-sectional survey of emotions associated with alcohol consumption and influence on drink choice in different settings BMJ Open 2017;7:e016089. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016089


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