Generation Apathy: How Parental Disengagement Shapes Youth Politics…

Friday, May 10, 2024.

A recent German study has uncovered a significant link between parental political disengagement and the apathy their children feel towards politics…

This phenomenon appears to be particularly pronounced in close parent-child relationships. These findings shed light on the growing disinterest in politics observed in democracies worldwide…

How the study was conducted…

The study, involving nearly 600 German adolescents and their parents, revealed that both mothers and fathers play crucial roles in shaping their children's political attitudes. However, the influence primarily flows from parents to children, rather than the other way around.

Politically active teenagers do not seem to have a substantial impact on their parents' political engagement.

Dr. Brett Laursen, one of the study's authors, explained the dynamics behind this transmission of political interest:

"The logic is straightforward—children who have a close relationship with their parents are more likely to identify with them and be receptive to their political messages. We tend to listen to, engage with, and emulate those we like."

In Germany, as younger generations become increasingly disinterested in politics, the balance of power in elections shifts towards older voters. This trend is concerning because, while older voters are a minority, their voting decisions carry significant weight in shaping government policies.

Dr. Laursen emphasized the importance of parental influence on adolescent behavior, noting that parents are not only positive socialization agents but can also inadvertently pass on negative habits and attitudes. In other words, parental affection can convey apathy.

He urged parents to be mindful of their influence, especially in close-knit and warm family environments, where children are particularly attentive to their parents' attitudes and behaviors.

"Children are observant and absorbent, even in late adolescence. They look to their parents for guidance and unconsciously mirror their attitudes, including those towards politics. Parents should recognize the profound and lasting impact they have on their children's lives," Dr. Laursen concluded.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Mary Page Leggett-James et al, The spread of political alienation from parents to adolescent children, Journal of Family Psychology (2023). DOI: 10.1037/fam0001098


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