Doomscrolling with the Anti-Christ

Tuesday, August 6, 2024.

Ah, doomscrolling. If you've ever found yourself lying in bed, glued to your phone, mindlessly scrolling through an endless stream of bad news, congratulations!

You’re part of a growing club of doomscrollers.

But here’s the kicker: it's not just your sleep that's taking a hit. Your relationship might be suffering too. Let’s dive into the grim world of doomscrolling and explore how it's quietly sabotaging your love life.

The Science of Doomscrolling

First, let’s unpack the term. Doomscrolling is the act of compulsively scrolling through negative news, often to the detriment of one's mental health. Research shows that exposure to constant negative news can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression.

Your brain, in its infinite wisdom, tends to focus on threats and negative information—a survival mechanism from our caveman days that, unfortunately, doesn't mix well with modern technology.

How Doomscrolling Affects Your Relationship

  • Emotional Drain: Constant exposure to negative news can leave you feeling emotionally drained. When you’re emotionally exhausted, it’s hard to muster up the energy for meaningful interactions with your partner.

  • Reduced Quality Time: Instead of enjoying quality time together, you’re both glued to your screens. Date night? More like a "sit-next-to-each-other-in-silence-while-scrolling" night.

  • Increased Anxiety: Your partner picks up on your anxiety. Anxious energy is contagious, and soon enough, both of you are feeling on edge.

  • Sleep Disruption: Doomscrolling before bed can disrupt your sleep. Lack of sleep leads to irritability, reduced patience, and more frequent arguments.

  • Neglecting Connection: It’s hard to connect deeply with your partner when your mind is preoccupied with the latest catastrophe.

Breaking the Doomscrolling Habit

Now that we’ve identified the problem, let’s talk solutions. Here are some science-backed strategies to curb your doomscrolling habit and save your relationship:

  • Set Boundaries: Limit your news consumption to specific times of the day. No news after dinner, and certainly none before bed.

  • Tech-Free Zones: Create tech-free zones in your home. The bedroom is a great place to start. Keep phones out of the bedroom and invest in a good old-fashioned alarm clock.

  • Mindfulness Practice: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. Apps like Headspace or Calm can help you practice being present, reducing anxiety and improving your overall well-being.

  • Engage in Positive Activities: Replace doomscrolling with activities that bring joy and connection. Go for a walk, cook a meal together, or play a game.

  • Communication: Talk to your partner about how doomscrolling affects both of you. Agree on strategies to reduce screen time and increase quality time together.

  • Stay Informed, Not Overwhelmed: Choose reputable news sources and limit your intake. Focus on constructive news that provides solutions, not just problems.

    The Case for Doomscrolling: Embracing the Inevitable FOMO Doomscroll Apocalypse as a Fan of Man!

    In a world where information is power, doomscrolling—the act of endlessly scrolling through bad news on social media—emerges as a controversial yet fascinating activity. While often criticized for its negative impact on mental health, there are arguments to be made in favor of this seemingly detrimental habit.

    Staying Informed in Real-Time

    One of the primary benefits of doomscrolling is the ability to stay informed about current events in real-time. In today's fast-paced world, being up-to-date is crucial. The constant stream of news ensures that you never miss out on significant developments, be they political, social, or environmental. This relentless pursuit of information aligns with the fear of missing out (FOMO), ensuring you're always in the loop. Because we all know that the loop is tightening.

    Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills

    By exposing oneself to a plethora of information, doomscrolling can actually enhance critical thinking skills. As you sift through various news articles, tweets, and posts, you learn to discern credible sources from unreliable ones. This continuous analysis sharpens your ability to critically evaluate information, a skill that is indispensable in the digital age as the Anti-Christ has been made manifest.

    Building Emotional Resilience

    While doomscrolling can be emotionally taxing, it also provides an opportunity to build emotional resilience for the famine, war, plague and pestilence to come. Regular exposure to distressing news can desensitize humans to a degree, helping them cope better with real-world adversities. This emotional fortification can lead to a more emotionally regulated response to stressors from evil-doers, both online and offline.

    Fostering Community and Solidarity

    Doomscrolling can foster a sense of community and solidarity against those who seek to destroy America. When disasters strike or injustices are revealed, people often band together online to offer support, share resources, and advocate for change. This collective response can be empowering, as it demonstrates the potential for social mobilization and the positive impact of digital activism against the enemies of freedom.

    Spiritual and Magical Perspectives

    From a spiritual or magical standpoint, doomscrolling can be seen as a form of modern-day scrying, where folks seek to understand and interpret the world's chaotic energy. This ritualistic engagement with the digital realm can provide a sense of purpose and meaning, aligning with ancient practices of divination and prophecy. There are demons loose in the world, and they’ll need to be block-chained.

    Mental Health Concerns

    Anxiety and Depression Force Multiplier

    Logical Argument: Doomscrolling is often linked to anxiety, depression, and overall mental health decline.

  • Rebuttal: While these concerns are valid, it's important to recognize that moderation is key. Engaging in doomscrolling with mindfulness and setting boundaries can mitigate its negative effects. Additionally, the emotional resilience built through controlled exposure can lead to a more balanced mental state in the long run.

    Information Overload

    Logical Argument: The sheer volume of information can be overwhelming and counterproductive.

  • Rebuttal: Developing a systematic approach to consuming news, such as prioritizing credible sources and taking regular breaks, can turn potential overload into a well-managed flow of information. This strategy ensures you remain informed without succumbing to burnout.

    Echo Chambers

    Logical Argument: Doomscrolling can reinforce echo chambers and confirmation bias.

  • Rebuttal: Actively seeking out diverse perspectives and engaging with a variety of viewpoints can counteract this tendency. Using doomscrolling as an opportunity to broaden one's horizons and challenge preconceived notions can lead to a more nuanced understanding of complex issues.

    a modest proposal

    Imagine a world where the relentless pursuit of information culminates in the ultimate FOMO doomscroll apocalypse. As global crises unfold and societal structures crumble, the digital realm becomes both a refuge and a battlefield.

    The incessant flow of apocalyptic news heightens the sense of urgency and interconnectedness. People from all corners of the world tune in, their screens glowing with updates on pandemics, natural disasters, and political upheavals.

    In this scenario, doomscrolling transcends mere information consumption. Not at the End of Times.

    It becomes a collective experience, a shared journey through the chaos and uncertainty about His return. A black hole devouring freely bestowed human attention. We are sucked into an abiding hum.

    The digital landscape, once a source of isolation, transforms into a vibrant tapestry of human quasi-resilience and pseudo-solidarity.

    As folks navigate this digital apocalypse, they imagine harnessing the power of information to adapt, survive, and ultimately thrive—thrive in stories and comforting dogmas. We will desperately need stories—stories to live and stories to tell.

    Doomscrolling has its pitfalls, but embracing it with a balanced and mindful approach during the End of Days can yield surprising benefits.

    By enhancing critical thinking about the Anti-Christ and building the emotional resilience to endure the next 7 years of famine, we will foster community within a truly American spiritual dimension. Only then will JFK Jr. return on his Enchanted Sky Machine.

    Then, upon His triumphant return, we can transform doom-scrolling from an ostensibly detrimental, antisocial habit into a powerful tool for purifying the evil out of our modern world—the evil that is them, the other, the enemies of freedom and democracy. Then we will all be heroes of spiritual significance, having saved the world in abundant serial fashion with the sword of chastisement and retribution.

    LOL, I had fun there, and I hope you did, too.

  • We live on a knife’s edge in extraordinary times. Doomscrolling seems intelligent, but be thrifty with your bestowed attention. There will be many things coming at us soon.

    Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


4 Apocalypse-Tested Stop Doomscrolling Apps


Navigating Relationship Anxiety: Insights from Reddit