New insights from research… Specific goals for happiness trump abstract ones…

Saturday, April 8, 2024.

The Power of Concrete Happiness Goals: Insights from Research

Why Specific Goals for Happiness Trump Abstract Ones

Contrary to common beliefs, not all happiness goals are created equal.

Research suggests that setting concrete goals for happiness may lead to greater fulfillment than abstract ones…

Let’s see how pursuing specific and achievable happiness goals can enhance well-being and address the paradox of why striving for happiness sometimes backfires…

Understanding Concrete vs. Abstract Goals for Happiness: Concrete goals for happiness involve specific, actionable steps, while abstract goals are broad and open-ended. The study reveals that framing happiness goals in a concrete manner leads to more realistic expectations and greater potential for success. This challenges the misconception that broad, all-encompassing goals are the key to happiness.

The Impact of Concrete Happiness Goals: Through a series of experiments, researchers found that humans who set concrete goals, such as making someone smile, reported higher levels of happiness than those with abstract goals, like making someone happy. Acts of kindness aimed at achieving concrete goals resulted in increased happiness for the givers themselves, highlighting the effectiveness of specificity in goal-setting.

Addressing Unrealistic Expectations: Abstract happiness goals often lead to unrealistic expectations, as humans may overestimate their ability to achieve broad objectives. By focusing on attainable concrete actions, we can bridge the gap between expectations and reality. This approach promotes a more realistic understanding of happiness and its attainability.

Challenging Intuitive Beliefs: Interestingly, the study found that participants' intuitive beliefs about happiness goals were often incorrect. Contrary to their expectations, concrete prosocial goals yielded greater personal happiness than abstract goals. This highlights the importance of evidence-based insights in understanding the complexities of happiness and goal-setting.

Final thoughts

The pursuit of happiness can be optimized by adopting concrete goals that are specific and achievable.

By reframing happiness goals in a tangible manner, humans can enhance their well-being and minimize the risk of disappointment.

Understanding the nuances between concrete and abstract goals empowers us to make informed choices in our quest for happiness, ultimately leading to greater fulfillment and satisfaction in life.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


The study was published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (Rudd et al., 2014).


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