The seeds of depression and anxiety could lie in childhood sleep

Thursday, June 6, 2024.

Research finds that inadequate sleep in childhood significantly increases the risk of developing emotional disorders later in life.

The impact of poor sleep on emotional well-being is profound, altering both negative and positive emotional experiences.

For instance, after just two nights of poor sleep, children cannot derive the same pleasure from positive experiences, and they struggle to recall these positive experiences later on.

This demonstrates that inadequate sleep not only affects emotional regulation but also hampers memory consolidation.

The Damaging Effects of Poor Sleep

Poor sleep has already been linked to a variety of harmful effects, including reduced abilities to:

  • Self-monitor

  • Read other people’s body language

  • Identify the emotions of others

  • Exercise self-control

Dr. Candice Alfano, who led the study, emphasized the importance of healthy sleep for children’s psychological well-being. She stated:

“Healthy sleep is critical for children’s psychological well-being. Continually experiencing inadequate sleep can eventually lead to depression, anxiety, and other types of emotional problems.

Parents, therefore, need to think about sleep as an essential component of overall health in the same way they do nutrition, dental hygiene, and physical activity. If your child has problems waking up in the morning or is sleepy during the day, then their nighttime sleep is probably inadequate.

This can result for several reasons, such as a bedtime that is too late, non-restful sleep during the night, or an inconsistent sleep schedule.”

How The Study Was Conducted

In the study, 50 children aged 7 to 11 had their sleep restricted for a short period. The researchers concluded that chronic poor sleep is likely to increase the risk of depression and anxiety. Individuals without adequate sleep tend to avoid positive and rewarding experiences that require effort, further compounding emotional difficulties.

Dr. Alfano explained:

“There are multiple emotional processes that seem to be disrupted by poor sleep. For example, our ability to self-monitor, pick up on others’ nonverbal cues, and accurately identify others’ emotions diminishes when sleep is inadequate. Combine this with less impulse control, a hallmark feature of the teenage years, and sleep deprivation can create a ‘perfect storm’ for experiencing negative emotions and consequences.”

Implications for Family Development

Final thoughts

Understanding the critical role of sleep in emotional health is essential for family development.

Parents and caregivers should prioritize creating and maintaining healthy sleep routines for their children, recognizing that sleep is as crucial as nutrition and physical activity for overall well-being. This awareness can help prevent the onset of emotional disorders and promote healthier family dynamics.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Palmer, C. A., & Alfano, C. A. (2017). Sleep and emotion regulation: An organizing, integrative review. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 31, 6-16.


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