Am I dating a narcissist? quiz

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Welcome to my little "Am I Dating a Narcissist?" Quiz!

In today's world, everyone wants a quick way to detect if their significant other is secretly a self-absorbed megalomaniac.

This quiz aims to balance good questions with genuine insights to help you navigate the tricky terrain of modern dating.

I've crafted each question to shed light on key narcissistic traits, while also poking a little fun at our collective obsession with diagnosing narcissism.

The Quiz:

How often does your partner talk about themselves?

  • A) Always – it’s like living with a human megaphone.

  • B) Sometimes, but they ask about me too.

  • C) Rarely, they’re a listener.

  • D) We talk about each other equally.

Why this matters: Narcissists thrive on self-promotion and rarely show genuine interest in others. If your partner's favorite topic is themselves, it might be a red flag.

When your partner apologizes, does it sound like this: "I'm sorry you feel that way"?

  • A) Yes, that’s their go-to apology.

  • B) Occasionally, but they can also apologize sincerely.

  • C) No, they own up to their mistakes.

  • D) They never apologize.

Why this matters: A hallmark of narcissism is a lack of genuine empathy. Apologies like "I'm sorry you feel that way" deflect responsibility and show little remorse.

What’s your partner’s relationship with social media?

  • A) They’re glued to it, always posting selfies and status updates.

  • B) They use it regularly but not obsessively.

  • C) They use it sparingly.

  • D) They don’t have social media.

Why this matters: Narcissists often seek validation through social media, constantly curating their image to receive likes and compliments.

How does your partner react to criticism?

  • A) They explode or sulk for days.

  • B) They get defensive but eventually move on.

  • C) They take it in stride and use it to improve.

  • D) They never receive criticism.

Why this matters: Narcissists have fragile egos and struggle with any form of criticism, often reacting with anger or withdrawal.

When it comes to your accomplishments, how does your partner respond?

  • A) They downplay or ignore them.

  • B) They congratulate me but quickly change the subject.

  • C) They celebrate my wins genuinely.

  • D) They compete or try to one-up me.

Why this matters: A narcissist often undermines your achievements to maintain their superiority.

Do you ever feel like you're walking on eggshells around your partner?

  • A) All the time.

  • B) Sometimes, but not often.

  • C) Rarely.

  • D) Never.

Why this matters: If you constantly fear upsetting your partner, it may indicate manipulative or abusive tendencies, which are common in narcissistic relationships.

Does your partner show a lot of charm and charisma in public, but act differently in private?

  • A) Yes, it's like dating Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

  • B) Occasionally.

  • C) No, they’re consistent.

  • D) They’re reserved in public but affectionate in private.

Why this matters: Narcissists often maintain a charming façade in public to garner admiration, saving their true, less pleasant selves for behind closed doors.

When making plans, does your partner consider your preferences?

  • A) No, it's their way or the highway.

  • B) Sometimes, but usually, they call the shots.

  • C) Yes, they always take my preferences into account.

  • D) We make decisions together equally.

Why this matters: A narcissist will prioritize their own desires over yours, seeing your needs as secondary or irrelevant.


If you answered mostly A's, you might be dating a narcissist. Mostly B's suggest some narcissistic tendencies. Mostly C's indicate a healthy relationship, while D's may suggest other issues, like passive aggression or, you know, the total lack of social media in 2024.

Final thoughts

Why are we so obsessed with finding out if we're dating a narcissist?

In our self-aware, therapy-friendly age, everyone seems to be on high alert for toxic traits. The rise of social media has given narcissists more platforms to exhibit their behaviors, making it easier for us to spot the signs (and perhaps over-diagnose them in our partners). More on that later.

Answering a brief quiz taps into our desire for quick answers and self-validation. It's like a BuzzFeed quiz but with higher stakes – and hopefully, better outcomes for your love life!

Whether or not this quiz confirmed your suspicions, it’s important to reflect on the dynamics of your relationship. True narcissists can be deeply harmful, but remember, no silly little online quiz can ever replace professional advice.

Perhaps you might use this as a starting point for deeper conversations and self-reflection with your partner. And hey, try to sneak in a few laughs along the way!

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


How not to be a narcissist


10 Lingering signs of narcissistic abuse