10 breakthrough treatments for depression most folks have never tried

Sunday, June 16, 2024.

As a couples therapist, I understand that depression can have a profound impact on relationships, affecting not just the individual but their partner and the dynamics between them.

Clinical depression affects around 350 million people worldwide, yet only a small fraction receive the best care.

It's crucial to explore various treatment options that can support both partners in managing depression together.

Here, I'll outline ten scientifically backed treatments for depression, emphasizing their potential benefits for folks within a relationship context.

1. Metacognitive Therapy: Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is often seen as the gold standard for treating depression.

However, research has found that "metacognitive therapy" has a better outcome and is quicker. Three-quarters of patients with depression recovered after being given metacognitive therapy compared to only half with CBT.

Metacognitive therapy targets basic thinking processes, focusing on how people think rather than the content of their thoughts. This can be particularly useful for couples, as changing thinking patterns can improve communication and reduce conflict.

2. Augmented Depression Therapy: A type of positive therapy for depression could be more effective than CBT, a pilot study concludes. Augmented Depression Therapy (ADepT) uses a similar approach to CBT but focuses more on improving well-being.

ADepT emphasizes enhancing positive emotions and overall well-being, which can help couples by fostering a more positive relational environment and encouraging mutual support.

3. Behavioural Activation Therapy: A study concludes that Behavioral Activation Therapy can more simply treat depression.

This therapy encourages participation in meaningful activities linked to core values. For couples, engaging in shared activities that align with their values can strengthen their bond and improve individual well-being, providing a straightforward alternative to traditional CBT.

4. Mindfulness Plus Exercise: Meditation and aerobic exercise together can help reduce depression, research finds. Combining mindfulness and exercise targets both the mind and body, leading to a 40 percent reduction in depression over two months.

Dr. Brandon Alderman stated, "We are excited by the findings because we saw such a meaningful improvement in both clinically depressed and non-depressed students." For couples, practicing mindfulness and exercising together can enhance emotional connection and mutual support.

5. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an effective long-term treatment for depression. TMS involves stimulating the brain using magnetic fields, particularly the left prefrontal cortex.

Recent research finds that two-thirds of severely depressed people respond to a new type of TMS protocol, suggesting it is more than twice as effective as the current FDA-approved method. For couples, understanding and supporting a partner undergoing TMS can be crucial in navigating the treatment process together.

6. Magic Mushrooms: Psilocybin — the psychedelic component of magic mushrooms — "resets" the brains of people with severe depression, research finds. Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris stated, "We have shown for the first time clear changes in brain activity in depressed people treated with psilocybin after failing to respond to conventional treatments." Couples facing treatment-resistant depression might consider exploring this option together, ensuring they approach it with mutual understanding and professional guidance.

7. Music Therapy: Music therapy can reduce depression in children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural problems, a large study finds. The therapy involves activities like describing feelings through playing tunes.

For couples, engaging in music therapy together can provide a creative and expressive outlet for emotions, enhancing communication and emotional intimacy.

8. Acts of Kindness: A few acts of kindness each week help to heal the mental wounds from depression and anxiety, a study finds. Dr. David Cregg noted, "Social connection is one of the ingredients of life most strongly associated with well-being.

Performing acts of kindness seems to be one of the best ways to promote those connections." Couples can benefit by incorporating acts of kindness into their relationship, fostering a supportive and positive environment.

9. Rumination-Focused CBT: Cycles of negative thinking can be broken by a recent twist on CBT that focuses specifically on rumination. This therapy aims to break the cycle of repetitive negative thinking, which is a core symptom of depression.

Couples can support each other in identifying and addressing rumination, helping to create a more positive and constructive dialogue.

10. Probiotics Research finds that Probiotics help alleviate the symptoms of major depressive disorder in folks already taking antidepressants. Dr. Viktoriya Nikolova stated, "The gut-brain axis is a truly fascinating and rapidly evolving area of microbiome research."

Understanding the role of probiotics in mood and mental health can be beneficial for couples, encouraging them to explore dietary changes together that support mental well-being.

Well, there you have it. 10 treatments for depression most folks have never heard of.

Exploring these diverse treatment options can provide couples with new avenues for managing depression, fostering mutual support, and enhancing their relationship as they navigate the challenges of mental health together.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


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