36 Questions to fall into love…

Monday, April 8, 2024.

Could These 36 Questions Lead You to Your Most Intimate Relationship Yet?

These 36 questions have been found to foster deep intimacy between two humans in just 45 minutes…

When psychologist Professor Arthur Aron and his team experimented with these questions, they discovered that 30% of participants formed the closest relationship of their lives.

Remarkably, these folks achieved a level of closeness comparable to relationships that typically take years to develop...

Originally designed to study the formation of relationships, these questions have proven to be not only insightful… but also enjoyable for most participants.

Here's how it works:

The instructions are straightforward: take turns reading aloud the questions and both answer them honestly. Alternate who reads aloud with each new question.

Now, let's delve into the questions:

Set 1:

  1. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be?

  2. Do you aspire to fame? In what field?

  3. Do you rehearse phone calls? Why?

  4. Describe your idea of a perfect day.

  5. When was the last time you sang, either to yourself or to someone else?

  6. If you could live to 90, would you choose to keep your mind or body at 30?

  7. Do you have a secret suspicion about how you'll die?

  8. Name three things you and your partner have in common.

  9. What are you most grateful for in life?

  10. If you could change aspects of your upbringing, what would they be?

  11. Share your life story in detail for four minutes.

  12. If you could wake up tomorrow with any ability, what would it be?

Set Two:

  1. If a crystal ball could reveal anything about your life, what would you want to know?

  2. What long-held dream have you not pursued, and why?

  3. What's your greatest life achievement?

  4. What do you value most in a friendship?

  5. Share your most cherished memory.

  6. Reflect on your worst memory.

  7. Would impending death in a year change how you live now?

  8. Define friendship in your own words.

  9. How important are love and affection to you?

  10. Share five positive traits about your partner.

  11. Describe your family dynamics and childhood happiness.

  12. How do you perceive your relationship with your mother?

Set Three:

  1. Make three true "we" statements.

  2. Finish the sentence: "I wish I had someone with whom I could share..."

  3. What's crucial for your partner to know to become close friends?

  4. Share honest compliments with your partner.

  5. Recount an embarrassing moment.

  6. When did you last cry in front of someone? Alone?

  7. Share something you already like about your partner.

  8. Discuss what topics are too serious for humor.

  9. What would you regret not expressing if you were to die tonight?

  10. What item would you save from a burning house, and why?

  11. Whose death in your family would disturb you most, and why?

  12. Seek advice from your partner on a personal problem and gauge their perception of your feelings.

Final Thoughts

These questions, designed to foster closeness, offer a structured and profound way to connect deeply with another human.

Whether you're seeking to strengthen or embark on a new relationship, exploring these questions together could lead to remarkable intimacy.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


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