The latest research on internet addiction in 2023…

Sunday, May 19, 2024.

The Addictive Nature of Smartphones: A 2023 Study Confirms FOMO's Impact on Relationships

I often talk to my clients about the addictive nature of smartphones, and study after study continues to show that FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is a real obstacle to personal contentment in intimate relationships. A brand new 2023 study has confirmed my concerns about smartphones, shedding light on problematic internet usage and addiction.

In this study, 800 individuals were surveyed about their internet usage to explore if they were experiencing problematic usage or signs of addiction. Surprisingly, around 40% of the participants either confessed to being addicts or displayed behavior suggesting addiction.

Internet Addiction Severity Levels

The researchers classified internet addiction into five levels of severity:

  1. Casual Users: Comprising about 15% of the participants, these users mainly go online for specific tasks but show indications of problematic behavior.

  2. Initial Users: Making up 23% of the participants, these users found themselves online longer than planned and occasionally neglected chores due to online surfing, showing initial signs of addiction.

  3. Experimenters: Accounting for 22% of participants, these individuals started to get anxious when not online but felt relief once online, indicating a threshold of addiction.

  4. Addicts-In-Denial: Forming 18% of the participants, these individuals displayed all the behaviors of addicts but did not admit it to themselves, denying feeling anxious when offline.

  5. Addicts: 22% of the participants confessed to being addicts, recognizing the negative impact on their lives.

Signs of Internet Addiction

Typical signs of internet addiction include lying about internet use, withdrawal symptoms when away from the internet, failed attempts to reduce internet use, physical problems resulting from internet use (such as neck pain and headaches), and feeling shame and guilt about the inability to control use.

Emotional Motivation Predicts Behavior

The study found that human behavior was strongly predicted by their emotional state, regardless of the type of online activity. Casual users were driven by the prospect of pure enjoyment, while addicts' behavior was negatively correlated with enjoyment.

Conclusion and Findings

The study's first author, Dr. Brigitte Stangl, highlighted the importance of differentiating between problematic internet usage and addiction. She noted that younger individuals were more likely to be addicted to the internet, with this tendency decreasing with age.

As we navigate the impact of technology on our lives, it's crucial to recognize the signs of addiction and take steps to maintain a healthy balance. This study serves as a reminder to stay mindful of our internet usage and its effects on our well-being and relationships.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


  • Brigitte Stangl et al, Internet addiction continuum and its moderating effect on augmented reality application experiences: digital natives versus older users, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing (2023). DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2023.2199776


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