Internal Monologue Test: Discover your inner voice

Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

Ever wondered if you have an inner voice that guides your thoughts and decisions?

The concept of the internal monologue is fascinating, and it's something that varies greatly from person to person.

Some folks have a constant stream of verbal thoughts, while others think in images, concepts, or even without any inner dialogue at all.

Take this fun and informative test to find out more about your own internal monologue!


Answer the following questions as honestly as possible. There are no right or wrong answers, just insights into your unique way of thinking.

When you’re trying to remember a list of items, how do you do it?

A) I repeat the items in my head.

B) I visualize the items in my mind.

C) I use a combination of both.

D) I have a different method entirely.

When you read a book, do you hear the characters’ voices in your head?

A) Always.

B) Sometimes.

C) Rarely.

D) Never.

How do you plan your day?

A) I talk myself through it internally.

B) I see a mental picture of my schedule.

C) I write it down to keep track.

D) I just go with the flow.

Do you ever catch yourself having an internal debate or conversation?

A) Frequently.

B) Occasionally.

C) Rarely.

D) Never.

How do you solve complex problems?

A) I think through the steps verbally in my mind.

B) I visualize the solution.

C) I draw or write out my thoughts.

D) I use a mix of these methods.

When you’re trying to recall a memory, how does it appear in your mind?

A) As a detailed verbal description.

B) As a vivid picture or series of images.

C) As a combination of words and pictures.

D) As an abstract feeling or concept.

When you’re stressed, how do you manage your thoughts?

A) I talk myself through calming techniques.

B) I visualize a peaceful scene.

C) I distract myself with activities.

D) I use a different method.

Do you hear a “voice” in your head when you’re thinking?

A) Always.

B) Sometimes.

C) Rarely.

D) Never.

Scoring Your Internal Monologue Test

Count how many times you chose each letter:

Mostly A’s: You have a strong internal monologue. You likely hear your thoughts as a constant verbal stream, which helps you process and plan your day-to-day activities.

Mostly B’s: You’re more of a visual thinker. You rely on images and visual cues to navigate your thoughts and memories.

Mostly C’s: You have a balanced approach. You use both verbal and visual thinking depending on the situation.

Mostly D’s: You might be a silent thinker. Your thought processes are unique and may not involve a traditional inner voice. You might use abstract concepts or feelings to guide your thinking.

Embracing Your Thinking Style

Understanding your thinking style can help you leverage your strengths and work on areas that may need improvement. Whether you have a loud internal monologue or none at all, recognizing your unique cognitive processes can enhance your self-awareness and personal growth.

Final thoughts

Our growing awareness of neurodiversity highlights the importance of recognizing and appreciating the different ways people think.

From silent thinkers to those with vivid inner dialogues, each cognitive style offers unique perspectives and strengths.

Learning about these differences can lead to a more inclusive and understanding society.

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


Silent Thinkers: Embracing neurodiversity in a noisy world


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