How to make a narcissist fear you…

Saturday, March 2, 2024.

Navigating the treacherous waters of narcissism requires a blend of finesse, strategy, and a pinch of dark humor.

While the topic may seem daunting, fear not, gentle reader… for we're about to dive into the depths of psychological warfare armed with a toolkit that's as potent as it is practical.

So buckle up and prepare to outmaneuver even the most cunning narcissist… Here are 7 ways to make a narcissist fear you…

The Power of Indifference: Picture this: you're faced with a narcissist's tirade, but instead of rising to the bait, you simply shrug it off like yesterday's news. This is the magic of indifference. By denying them the reaction they crave, you strip away their power bit by bit. It's like watching a villain deflate as their grand monologue falls on deaf ears.

Assertiveness as Your Shield: Think of assertiveness as your trusty shield in the battle against narcissism. When you assert your boundaries with unwavering confidence, you send a clear message: "This far, and no further." It's a language narcissists struggle to decipher, leaving them disoriented and off balance like a toddler in a game of chess.

Fortifying Your Boundaries: Imagine your boundaries as the walls of a fortress, protecting your emotional well-being from the onslaught of a narcissist's manipulation. But here's the kicker: boundaries are only effective if you enforce them consistently. Think of it as laying down landmines – cross at your own risk.

Strategic Empathy: Ah, empathy – the Trojan horse of the narcissist's kingdom. By strategically appealing to their self-interest under the guise of empathy, you gain leverage without sacrificing your own needs. It's like offering a treat to a guard dog, only to slip past unnoticed while they're busy savoring the taste.

Redirecting the Spotlight: Narcissists thrive on adoration like flowers crave sunlight. So why not redirect the spotlight onto greener pastures? By celebrating the achievements of others and engaging in activities that don't revolve around them, you effectively dim their glow. It's like performing a disappearing act, leaving them stranded in the darkness of their own shadow.

The Art of Documentation: Welcome to espionage, where documentation is your secret weapon. Keep meticulous records of conversations, agreements, and instances of manipulation. It's your insurance policy against their gaslighting tactics, a silver bullet piercing their web of deceit. I’ll be discussing gaslighting and psychological terrorism in upcoming posts.

Knowing When to Retreat: Sometimes, the most courageous act is knowing when to walk away. By removing yourself from the narcissist's sphere of influence, you reclaim your power and deny them the satisfaction of your presence. It's a declaration of independence, a testament to your strength in adversity.

Final thoughts

Navigating the labyrinth of partner narcissism requires a blend of cunning, resilience, and a touch of dark humor.

But by mastering the art of indifference, wielding assertiveness as your shield, fortifying your boundaries, strategically deploying empathy, redirecting the spotlight, documenting your behavior, and knowing when to retreat, you can emerge victorious in the battle against even the most formidable narcissist.

Be well, stay kind, and Godspeed.


  • Malkin, C. (2015). Rethinking Narcissism: The Bad-and Surprisingly Good-About Feeling Special. Harper Wave.

  • McBride, K. (2018). Will I Ever Be Free of You?: How to Navigate a High-Conflict Divorce from a Narcissist and Heal Your Family. Atria Books.

  • Simon, G. K. (2011). In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People. Parkhurst Brothers Publishers Inc.


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